Casot for sale in Port Vendres with land
To be discovered without further delay, a rare and exceptional pearl, between Port-Vendres and Banyuls sur mer, a pretty casot of around 25m2 in the heart of nature overlooking the vines and the sea on an agricultural plot of just over 5000m2. The casot is an old small building that enabled winegrowers to store their tools in the vineyard. This little corner of paradise is located close to the Paulilles beach, where you can enjoy the magnificent sunrises. If you're looking for a place of relaxation and serenity where you can recharge your batteries, stroll around, enjoy a grassy lunch with family or friends and rest in peace, this leisure area is waiting for you.If you'd like to grow cacti, aloe vera, olive trees, fruit trees and even a few tomato plants, this plot has all the qualities of a Mediterranean garden, with good exposure and a well for watering. This solar-panel-equipped cottage has 2 rooms for cooking and relaxing, a small wood-burning stove and a shaded terrace. A small cabin is equipped with a dry toilet. Departures for hiking trails nearby, Coll del Mitg a 10-minute walk, Port-Vendres by footpath a 30-minute walk, Coll de Pere Camera a 25-minute walk and Banyuls sur mer a 50-minute walk, Paulilles beach a 20-minute walk. A must-see if you're looking for a peaceful change of scenery not far from the city. The Paradise team is at your disposal for a visit. Call us on 04 68 55 00 92
The sale price of 95000 € includes transaction fees commonly known as: "agency fees or agency commission". The fees of the real estate agency, and the VAT on these fees are fully the responsibility of the seller. The price of 95000 € does not include registration fees, land registration fees, notary fees, etc. (known as: legal fees, more commonly known as: "notary fees"); nor the costs associated with contracting a bank loan (application fees, bank guarantee, mortgage, etc.).
To estimate your total cost of acquisition :
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