
Real estate: what will change in 2022

Real estate: what will change in 2022

02 February 2022

Each new year brings its share of changes for real estate . 2022 is no exception to the rule.

Reference agency in the Pyrénées-Orientales, Real Estate Paradise has classified these changes for you in order to better present them to you: taxation, thermal regulations and aid for renovation, real estate loans and rental.

A complete overview so as not to be surprised by these small and large changes.

real estate taxation

Complex and very diverse, real estate taxation in France is also evolving. Tenants, owners and investors are all affected by the 2022 changes .

End of housing tax

Abolished in 2020 for 80% of tax households, the housing tax was reduced by 30% in 2021 for those who still pay it. In 2022, this reduction will be increased to 65% , resulting in the end of this tax collected for the benefit of local authorities.

To maintain the municipal budget, the State has decided to transfer to them the departmental share of property tax. The intermunicipalities benefit from the retrocession of a fraction of the VAT.

Automatic switch to LMP status

Very popular with investors in the rental market, the status of Non-Professional Furnished Lessor (LMNP) offers simplified taxation. Until now, the owner-lessor had the choice of his status between the LMNP and that of Professional Meublé Lessor (LMP).

From now on, any lessor with annual revenue of more than €23,000 will automatically be switched to LMP . If the LMP involves the payment of social contributions, it offers several tax advantages such as the exemption of capital gains on real estate or the possibility of imputing the deficit to the overall income.

Thermal regulations and energy renovation

As part of its energy transition policy, the State pays particular attention to the energy performance of new housing and the energy renovation of old housing. These requirements have been reinforced since January 1 , 2022 .

Entry into force of RE 2020

Since January 1 , 2022, the 2020 Environmental Regulations have replaced the 2012 Thermal Regulations. This new regulation adds to the energy performance that of the environmental footprint of new constructions.

Particular attention is paid to the origin of the materials and the housing's capacity to produce energy. RE 2020 intends to pave the way for the construction of positive energy housing, i.e. producing more energy than it consumes.

Compulsory energy audit for housing classified F or G

Immobilier 2022: Changes in energy consumption (DPE) - Paradise Immobilier

Compulsory for any real estate transaction in the old, the Energy Performance Diagnosis classifies housing from A to G.

From 1 September 2022, dwellings classified F or G will have to undergo an energy audit. The latter must provide the list of energy renovation work required, an estimate of the cost of the operation and the list of possible aid to finance it.

This measure clearly aims to limit the placing on the market of non-renovated housing considered as energy sieves.

Discover our article on how much a real estate diagnosis costs .

MaPrimeRénov' evolves

Launched on January 1 , 2020 to replace the energy transition tax credit (CITE) and aid from the National Housing Agency (ANAH) "Living better agility" and "Living better serenity", MaPrimeRénov' knows A great success.

While its amounts were increased in 2020 as part of the recovery plan, it is, from 2022, more restrictive .

MaPrimeRénov' will now only concern homes over 15 years old compared to 2 years previously. A notable exception to this change, the replacement of oil-fired boilers remains eligible for this state aid .

Real estate loans in 2022

According to a study by the IFOP (1) , 81% of buyers of main residences use a mortgage to finance the transaction. The year 2022 brings some changes to be aware of.

2022: Duration and debt ratio capped

On September 29, 2021, the High Council for Financial Stability revised the conditions for granting mortgages: as of January 1 , 2022, banks can no longer grant mortgages for a period of more than 25 years .

In order to promote the energy performance of housing, borrowers who buy new property or who undertake work corresponding to 25% of the acquisition cost can nevertheless benefit from a credit period of 27 years .

The maximum debt ratio of the borrower is also increased to 35% including insurance against 33% previously.


Without revolutionizing rental rules in France, the year 2022 brings some changes that all landlords should be aware of.

Rent regulation 2022: new cities concerned

So far only Paris, Lyon, Lille and Villeurbanne were affected by the rent control.

In addition to these municipalities, there are now 9 towns in the "Est Ensemble" intermunicipal community in greater Paris (Bagnolet, Bobigny, Bondy, Le Pré-Saint-Gervais, Les Lilas, Montreuil, Noisy-le-Sec, Pantin and Romainville) as well as than the cities of Montpellier (34) and Bordeaux (33).

The lessor is required to respect a level of rent or must make qualitative improvements to the accommodation in order to be able to increase it. In the cities concerned, real estate advertisements must also include the amount of the ceiling rent.

Return of the “Affordable rent” system in 2022

From January 2022, any landlord agreeing to rent 15% below the market price can benefit from an equivalent rate of tax reduction .

This tax benefit is increased to 35% if he rents 30% below the market . This tax reduction is between 20 and 60% when the rental management of the property is entrusted to a real estate agency.

To join this system, the owner-lessor must sign an agreement with the National Housing Agency (ANAH). This agreement commits him for a period of 6 years.

Penalization of energy sieves

From 2022, the rents for dwellings classified F and G in terms of energy performance cannot be increased .

Please note that without energy renovation work, G-rated accommodation will no longer be able to be rented from 2025. This prohibition measure will apply in 2028 to F-classified housing and in 2034 to E-classified housing.

Need details? Your Paradise advisor is at your disposal. This real estate specialist answers you and accompanies all your real estate projects in the Pyrénées-Orientales and on the Côte Vermeille.


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