To rent
Seasonal rental: beware of scams!
13 December 2021
If summer rhymes with idleness and sun, it sometimes happens that the high season is a period conducive to seasonal rental scams. Every summer, thousands of holidaymakers fall into a simple but effective trap: they pay a deposit to a fake landlord for a virtual apartment. How to avoid having your vacation ruined by a bad investment?
Seasonal rental: increasingly common scams
The holiday rental scams are unfortunately common, and all websites, whether generalist or specialist, are affected. The limitless inventiveness and the extreme skill of the scammers allow them to bypass all the safeguards. There are many types of scams, but they always have serious consequences:- The pseudo-lessor disappears after the payment of the deposit.
- The real lessor's web account has been hacked by the crooks.
- The accommodation exists, but has been rented several times for the same period.
- Housing does not exist.
- The accommodation has nothing to do with its description in the advertisement.
The real estate agency: opt for total security
A few checks can limit the risk of disappointments:- Ask for the contact details of the landlord and a landline number.
- Ask for the address of the property and verify its existence on Google maps.
- Ask for a RIB to make the payment of the deposit.